Artificial Intelligence defeated computer world famous Go player
Seoul in the much-publicized battle between humans and computers in the game of Go, the Google software AlphaGo has also won the second game, and is now on the way to overall victory. The South Korean top player Lee Sedol gave up after about four and a half hours on Thursday. Commentators spoke to last of a close game.
Lee had surprised after the opening defeat in the five-game match in Seoul on Wednesday demonstrated by the skill level of the software. The victory of the program to one of the world’s top Go player was seen as a milestone in the development of self-learning machines and artificial intelligence. Because Go with its many possible play down was to last as too complex for computers
Project AlphaGo .: Google calls the go champion
the rules of derived originally from China Go are simple in principle: Two players trying to take over on a game board areas. But they take turns placing black and white stones. Completely encircled opponent’s pieces are removed from the board. but on the board with a total of 361 fields a huge number of trains is possible, making it difficult even for a powerful computer to ascribe the development of the game.
The second game was expected with additional interest because the software was the first train and thus could make the game. “AlphaGo presented pace and for Lee to win area” professional player Michael Redmond commented the start of the live transferred to YouTube game. However, the software secured relatively quickly with a loose chain black stones the top of the board – which contributed in the end to decide. In the rest of the board is a dense tile unfolded at Stone
topic:. Google and Alphabet
Then the machine made by approximately forty-five minutes a train, which shifted Redmond in great astonishment. To get something you really rarely seen, he said, as AlphaGo a stone diagonally placed on the still largely free right side of the board in addition to a free-standing white stone by Lee Se-dol. The train sends Koreans for more than a quarter of an hour to ponder and after that he spent his time much faster than AlphaGo.
“It’s a tough game for Lee Se-dol. AlphaGo can not do what he wants it, “Redmond said after almost two hours of play. Lee distributed several strong groups of his pieces on the board, trying thus to build up pressure.

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