blackmailer encrypt the computer of their victims and sabotage so even hospitals. Now Macs are no longer safe. Tips against ransomware.
heard of Bittorrent heard already? No? Then owners of Apple computers can breathe again. Because with software that actually is intended to speed up the downloading of data, it is criminal for the first time managed to land on Apple computers with their latest scam: A malicious program that the computer owners, so to speak as a stowaway a really unsuspecting Software is palmed, encrypted personal files. Restoring they can be required to enter the key. But the only know the gangster, and back him only against money out -. Often enough not
Until now, in the jargon ransomware (blackmailers software) were doing programs mentioned especially on Windows machines their work , This is mainly because Windows is the most widely used PC operating system with a market share of about 90 percent as before. However, sales of Apple computers to rise, and so the PCs and laptops with the Apple logo will also be a rewarding target for attackers from the digital space.
malware KeRanger ransom virus infects the first time Apple computer
blackmailer encrypt files and then demand ransom. This affects users of a popular Bittorrent clients.
It is particularly tricky in the present case that it is the criminals managed to infect the installation file of an unsuspecting se program. Affected is a version of the “transmission” program. Since it is a software that makes it possible to download data quickly. The special feature: For each file that is to be distributed, a network of computers is established. Anyone who downloads the file on his computer, they are also on to the computer by other users.
is affected by current knowledge, only one version of the software, namely the version 2.90. The manufacturer of transmission warns now before this version and offers an uncontaminated, version 2.92. Who these invites on his Apple computer to delete the malicious software.
ransomware has been around for many years. Only in recent years but accumulate the attacks. Some caused a stir recently attacks on hospitals. In Neuss Luke Hospital about had operations be moved, because the computers were shut down after the attack by the ransomware. A clinic in Los Angeles even paid around EUR 15 000 to come back to the encrypted data. And thousands hosts from individuals in Germany was affected by the ransomware “Locky”.
The police advises parties concerned not to pay but to file charges
The police and the Federal Office for Security in information technology (BSI) advises parties concerned not to pay but to file charges. Firstly, there was no guarantee that the blackmailer standing over the keys. Secondly, there are for some ransomware now also digital tools that allow the data again decrypt. In a ransomware often used the developers have, for example, sloppy, so that experts could program an unlocking software.
If, however, the encryption implemented correctly, the encrypted files with today’s technology and justifiable expenditure can not be made readable again , Therefore About a third of those affected opts to pay for it. The blackmailers usually demand payment in cryptocurrency Bitcoin. It can be very difficult to keep track of who ultimately collects the money.
not to come first in this embarrassment order, it is advisable to take precautions. Computer should always be up to date software version, even though that’s a bit annoying. So do not click away quickly relating to updates, but to take the few minutes. And it’s not just the operating system, but to all programs, especially those which are found on many computers, such as browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome) or Adobe Reader, software for viewing files in PDF format. Free programs such as the Secunia Personal Software Inspector or the App Manager FileHippo help to keep track. They monitor in the background the installed programs and show when there for updates.
Virtual extortion How hackers can hijack your data
online extortionists encrypt computer and ask for the unlock ransom.

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