In September, the Berlin House of Representatives to be elected. But a necessary software still has tremendous quirks. This has resulted in a test election of provincial electoral office in February. The Green Party Councillor Stephan von Dassel now called for a quick solution of the problem.
Half a year before the election to the Berlin House does dial software is not correct. A test run of the program in February was “not well done,” said the deputy provincial election director Ulricke Rockmann on Friday. They thus confirmed reports of the “Berliner Zeitung” and the newspaper “New Germany”.
Thus, there was at the test run the software called “Vois” significant problems and error messages. Only the end of January Vois was reinstalled in all Berlin public offices. With the software choice notifications sent and lists of the polling stations are created. In an internal memo from mid-March, it is therefore, Vois could “so not currently be used for an election”.
“Berlin disgraced in pre-election once again, “grumbles the Green Party politician Thomas Birk. “It would necessarily have to give test runs before the nationwide installation. Berlin should now bring expertise from federal states, have in those already taken place with Vois elections.”
Also Birks party colleague Stephan von Dassel, councilor in the district center, is indignant. “Actually, my staff would now begin with the preparations for elections,” citing “new Germany” of Dassel. However, it is so far announced no program update that would fix the problems. If there is no solution by June, is Sense, said von Dassel.
The deputy Land Returning Officer Rockmann confirmed the problems but called a longer time horizon for their solution , By early August, the program should run because then begin the absentee business. The internal administration dismissed reports that the election was “acute danger” because of faulty software. For the test phase is sufficient time so that any weak points could be made.
“As all test sequences in the planned time frame move and even still exist sufficient time buffer, is the safe conduct of the Berlin elections on September 18, 2016 guaranteed “, said a spokesman for the city administration.

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