SEOUL (AFX) – the fans of Go breathe on the acclaimed board game duel between humans and computers of the top players Lee Sedol won a prestigious victory in the fourth match against the Google software AlphaGo. The overall victory but the program at the score of 3 before the last game on Tuesday in Seoul: not to take. 1 The computer was the game on Sunday after more than four and a half hours after the profit opportunities had fallen to a minimum. The South Koreans Lee, who had excused after the third defeat on Saturday to his fans, was relieved: “. This victory is priceless”
The very first victory of the program last Wednesday was as a giant progress in the development of self-learning machines and artificial intelligence counted. The strategy game Go, with its many possible play down was to last as too complex for computers. The five-game match in Seoul will be shown live on the Google Video website YouTube. AlphaGo already secured the prize money of one million dollars (897,000 euros) -. The amount to be donated
The defeat for the program on Sunday is very valuable, Demis Hassabis said of belonging to Google AlphaGo developer Deep Mind had co-founded. His team will analyze the game accurately and improve AlphaGo he said in Seoul. Hassabis had already made it clear that AlphaGo not be perfect
AlphaGo had made in October headlines when it the European Championship Fan Hui with 5:. Had 0 outclassed. However, this is not like Lee Se-dol is a world leader. Since the match in October, the software further improved. The programmers they fed initially with tens of millions of trains human player, but can they even do so.
The 33-year-old Lee, who already at age twelve was professional and in his career won 18 international tournaments, received by the victory on Sunday at the subsequent press conference vigorous applause. “I want this win against no other exchange,” he said. Lee had spoken after the defeats of a near-perfect play of AlphaGo. “I was powerless,” he said after the third game on Saturday.
On Sunday Lee revealed then weaknesses of the program. “Lee has AlphaGo surprised,” said the Senior Michael Redmond, commenting on the games on YouTube. His impression was, AlphaGo wanted to also play in a loss position to profit. . This also explains the oblique coatings of the computer
The rules of derived originally from China Go are relatively simple: Two players try on a game board – a grid of 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines – to conquer territories. But they take turns placing black and white stones. but on the board with 361 fields a huge number of trains is possible, which makes it even for a powerful computer difficult to ascribe the development of the game.
The British software developer Deep Mind is Google a good two bought years, according to media reports for $ 500 million. Hassabis said Saturday in Seoul, the third victory had made him speechless. But is still room for improvement. Hassabis often speaks of computers thinking beizubringen./dg/DP/zb
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