Hacker attacks can meet every Internet user. Ransomware is called the malicious software that is often hidden in attachments to emails. When they are opened, the data is encrypted Photo:. Dpa
A wave of ransomware software rampant in the country. It encrypts data. To decrypt it, the cyber criminals demanding money. For companies in the worst case rests production.
Waiblingen / Stuttgart – Horst Häfele by CID Waiblingen sometimes wonders how innocently circumvent entrepreneurs between Waiblingen and Aalen with information on their company. Two dozen ads were received in mid-February of entrepreneurs and self-employed. They complained that cybercriminals have encrypted their data. Instead appointments, billing or production programs a ransom demand appeared on the screens. Only if you will transfer almost 400 euros, the data would be decrypted. “One or the other had entrepreneurs not saved the data,” says Häfele. “I also suspect that having one or other paid -. Although we advise against it”
ransomware is the blackmailer software cyber scammers called in technical jargon, which can meet every Internet user. The software is often hidden in the attachments to e-mails. If opened, the Trojan starts to encrypt the data. The fake mails are made more professional and often seem to banks, customers or friends to come. And even when visiting an infected website, the user can capture the Trojans. It is no longer just to sleazy side – even side of banks or media are often counterfeited. “The malicious software is changed regularly by the perpetrators, so even current antivirus software can not provide complete protection,” says the State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) Baden-Württemberg
When you LKA is concerned. While ransomware has long been in circulation, but since the beginning of the number is much higher. More than 300 reports of the blackmailer software Locky were received, says Tim Frenzl by the Department cybercrime. “Last year there were a total of 700 cases. We have already reached almost half. “However, the statistic is only an approximation, since the ads would not be covered uniformly. In addition, another ransomware Trojans in circulation, which are not covered in the national statistics. The figure is likely also why be higher by a multiple. The Bochum IT security specialist G Data currently has about 30 active program families. Besides Locky especially the programs CryptoWall and TeslaCrypt are widely
When in doubt, the production may be shut down
When detectives Waiblingen Locky first appeared on 18 February on. Within a few days wobbled the 25 ads – also because Häfele immediately warned of the threat. “So massive, it has never been,” he says. Almost exclusively small and medium enterprises between Waiblingen and Schwäbisch Hall signed up, including from measurement technology and plant, paint shops, brokers, a furniture store. The two largest companies property damage of around EUR 30 000 was created – output fell one or two days out. “They had fortunately saved the data,” says Häfele. Just as the two towns is also concerned. “Not every small company has a current back-up – that is suicidal,” criticizes Häfele. “The weak point is always the staff. For example, if a secretary opens an attachment and spread of Trojans in the complete system. It is often only in training and IT invested when the child fell into the fountain “
Not only that makes the investigators concerned. Also important infrastructures are increasingly affected – such as authorities and hospitals. In Neuss in North Rhine-Westphalia had to be postponed by an encryption attack operations, doctors had no more access to electronic medical records. Overall, the LKA North Rhine-Westphalia in the past three months counted nine attacks on hospitals, were used in the encryption Trojans.
“If a hospital must set the emergency care if a municipality does not have access to their data or and companies are threatened in their existence, then makes me very worried, “says LKA director Uwe Jacob. The systems to make sure again was also difficult because the malicious software to gain all rights in a system and thus can take control.
IT Experts call for strategies for the real thing
also therefore urge IT professionals companies, authorities and institutions to develop comprehensive strategies for the real thing. They should train staff effectively secure data security vulnerabilities quickly and report the incidents to the police. Above all, the careless handling of security software is on the criticism. “90 percent of successful attacks on companies found vulnerabilities instead,” says Thorsten Urbanski of G Data. “Although there was already at the time of the attack by the manufacturer an update to close the gap.”
Yet would the blackmailer Software Ships usually en masse, says Urbanski. The blackmailer would rarely know the users of e-mail addresses. But that could change. The criminals could exercise with targeted attacks pressure and require more than a few hundred euros. the case of a US hospital that paid the equivalent of about EUR 15 000, to view the encrypted data back to became famous. Even companies could be targeted blackmailed says Urbanski. “Especially in Baden-Württemberg is worth it – you think but only to the expertise of the SME.”
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