Jennifer zero knew what she was getting into when she accepted her husband’s surname – her husband had warned , But the housewife and mother from the US state of Virginia suggested that caution to the wind. Now they must live with the consequences: regular computer problems.
If zero, for example, wants to buy a ticket online, it does not work on most pages, she told the BBC. The reason: For computer is not zero any name – in the IT, it stands for an empty field in a database.
websites with online forms therefore regularly complain about their surnames: This field should not be empty. For the labeling of an empty field actually is the word “zero” used, not the word “zero”, which is in English is the number zero.
The handle to the phone does not always help for zero-name. “I am asked why I call, and then when I try to explain the situation, told me: ‘This can not be,’” said the BBC zero.
And the problem is not limited to online ticket purchases: Also on the site of the US tax authorities would not accept her surname. And when they as a substitute teacher was working on call before the birth of their child, the software should inform them of inserts refused.
zero must therefore frequently to Telephone access. “I feel that I things always have to do in the traditional way,” she said.
Stephen O also has problems
zero is not the only name that leads to computer problems. Some people would, for example, only a single name, instead of first and last name, reports the BBC on. Or her last name consists of just a single letter.
The “New York Times” reported, for example, in 1991 to be called from the ordeal of a South Korean who had the misfortune Stephen O. This led to problems with banks, credit card companies, video stores and automobile financiers -. All because of IT problems with the last name
But the other extreme is a curse are: for the Hawaiianerin Janice Keihanaikukauakahihulihe’ekahaunaele fought that her full name appears on her US license – and won. At the end of the software the government computer has been updated to allow this, the BBC reported.
The “borderline cases” be less
Even names that are completely normal in one culture, may elsewhere cause problems. Thus pushed, for example, the programmer Patrick McKenzie with his name in Japan on problems. The name is simply too long for many Japanese forms – in most forms it therefore contributes only “McKenzie P” a
Especially by increasing globalization. software development is increasing awareness of such Edge cases – to German borderline cases – such as programmers call. Especially in the World Wide Web Consortium, the standardization body of the Web, such issues are discussed.
“I think the situation is better, partly because is a growing awareness in the community, “McKenzie told the BBC. Until but all the software adapted to unusual name, is zero probably still need to frequently pick up the phone.
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