The 33-year-old Lee admitted defeat by 280 trains. Thus, the go-champion player suffered four defeats. Only in the game on Sunday in the fourth game Lee was able to win a prestigious victory.
The early overall victory of the program in the five-game match is considered a major step forward in the development of self-learning machines and artificial intelligence. Go with its many possible play down was to last as too complex for computers
AlphaGo had in October the go-European champion Fan Hui 5. 0 defeats. However, this is not like Lee Se-dol is a world leader. Since the match in October, the software further improved. The programmers they fed initially with tens of millions of trains human player, but can they even do so.
The rules of the originally from China strategy game are relatively simple. Two players try to capture on a game board areas. But they take turns placing black and white stones. The match will be shown live on the Google Video website YouTube.

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