The Tester tested the programs with a test case:
a couple with two children (age: 14 students, student 22). For a private school the younger child falls on school fees. The parents are working and have income from self-employment: The man is a civil servant / teacher, the woman hired graduate translator (tax class III / V)
The father makes related expenses. Way to work, work equipment, Away activity , study; Mother: training costs. The couple has also expenses for pension contributions (Riester pension), private health insurance, motor liability, personal liability, accident insurance and for donations. Extra costs incurred for dental treatment plus taxi fares. At home there are bills for heating maintenance, cable, chimney sweeps and Pet Care. The husband is active as an investor
evaluation criteria. The testers particularly highlighted data entry, user guide, quality of support and clarity of the user interface to the test. Thereafter, the auditor reviewed the features of the products, such as quality of manuals, sample letter, useful computational tools and security. There were also scores for the correct calculation result plus commentary. In addition, the price-performance ratio into consideration
1st place:. WISO tax: Passbook
the “WISO tax: passbook 2016″ is the absolute top. The testers awarded the grade “very good”!
Not only the name has changed, well design, appearance and user interface have been refreshed modern and provide better readability. In addition to the transfer of data from the previous year, the import of data of the competitors is possible for the first time. Even the processing of declaration via iPad, Android tablet or browser is feasible thanks to cloud solutions.
An online directions, video aids (120) and tips (25), topic filter, calculation tools, sample letters and guide book round off the service. In addition to employees, self-employed their declaration (EÜR, sales, and business tax) and Mac users can ( “WISO tax: Mac”) complete the forms
This also laity to find their way.. During data entry, the user will always be supplied with advice and receives automatically displayed, what is still deductible. The program is well equipped – even the Mac version: For the import of data from the previous year and the Elster form is possible, and there is an electronic control and communication auditors and an objection generator
The tips of digital. tax Advisor contained (800 pages) can be read via a free app on the iPad and Android tablet. Documents can also digitize via Document Manager or scan service.
“T @ x Professional” is almost on par with the “WISO tax: Passbook”. The program – by the same manufacturer Buhl Data Service – provides a new, decent outfit that facilitates entry into the new user interface
The data transfer works from the previous year as well as from third-party applications, but also from the pre-filled. tax return. With the “Professional” version also businessmen, professionals and self-employed are well advised. The revenue surplus calculation (EÜR), VAT returns and business tax return is easier too.
For employees, pensioners with simple cases, the stripped-down version “T @ x 2016″ is a good, low-cost solution (14.99 euros). Extras: video aids, tips, guide book.
The all-rounder “Taxman 2016″ is aimed at taxpayers who like to sometimes penetrate into the depths of the tax law, the judgment of the tester.
Almost no other program provides such expertise can: tax advice, legal texts, verdicts, sample letters, control manual with over 550 pages – plus monthly tax letter, which provides information on current tax News
Other features: video aids. trip cost calculator, document Manager plus scan function, automatic tax auditor, data import from the previous year and by Lexware “financial manager”, “Quicken” and “Quick property”.
the software can even entrepreneurs do the commercial and VAT returns , Even workers with complex situations (eg. As with investments, home, family) drive it very well.

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