Faster, easier, more efficiently -. By 2022 the tax return for about 40 million taxpayers to run automatically on the computer. Is this realistic? And there is not already an electronic tax return?
Yes, there is already the so-called pre-completed tax return (VAST). With the vast taxpayer can but accept only the data already stored in the financial management data in their own tax return. Thus, taxpayers who use as the official electronic Elster Form ( for tax returns, benefit from basic information such as name, address or the taxable wages are already entered.
the fully automatic control statement of the future should go further: All data of the workers and entrepreneurs are fully automated arrive at the tax offices, which then also evaluate these digitally by means of a computer program. Taxman of flesh and blood is it then in future be only in complex cases or audit susceptible to fraud tax returns. But until this procedure – Tax Office 2.0 – is actually implemented nationwide, some years will go into the land – probably taxpayer must wait longer than until 2022. Taxpayers are therefore well advised to a powerful software program to pack on the computer.
The right choice of the control software facilitates complete the tax forms while also ensuring a whopping tax refund. According to the manufacturer more than 1000 euros refund in it. Numerous providers are at the start. What tax software products taxpayer this windfall actually secure, financial officials for FOCUS-MONEY tested.
the winner
to the greatest savings potential extract, workers have to enter all deductions such as income-related expenses, special expenses, extraordinary expenses and household services in the programs. And here there are big differences in the user guide, the tax advice, representation and features of the products: “Most comfortable that WISO leading tax: Passbook ‘by the manufacturer Buhl Data Service through the form Jungle” summarizes Birgit Tietjen, financial officer of Lüneburg, which has fed all products with sample cases. “No other software so provides much useful guidance.”
In order for the “WISO” program is the test winner. User can also store the data in a cloud service and so on different devices such as notebook or tablet to access from the road from it and edit it. “The program has in my interview with video clips and text-based tax advice on key tax relief options out,” says Tietjen. Therefore, the product is suitable for amateurs and professionals alike. In addition there is a separate version for Mac users.
3 pages PDF -. 0 99 €
Optimal helper
The other providers are with top programs at the start. According to the auditor are set down in the "tax savings Declaration 2016" from the Academic Association, although the best calculation and traceability of the decision, but you have to accept compromises, because as has the search input defects. "So were important keywords such as, chimney sweeps ', second education' and 'care standard amount' not found", criticized Tietjen. A tax counselor in paper form, there are also only available on request. Thus ends the product on rank two. Also from this manufacturer but there is a program for Apple fans.
"Taxman" Intuit is an all-rounder, who convinced the testers especially with superb amenities, such as online tax advice, comprehensive guide book, sample letters to towards computational tools. Not only workers with complex cases to complete their tax return in order, but also self-employed sales and business tax return. "Unfortunately, the calculation was not completely understandable, it lacked detailed breakdowns and accessibility in the additional calculations", writes the expert.
Light smears
"T @ x" of Buhl Data Service and "Quick control" from Lexware there each as basic and enhanced variant. While the basic products rather for workers and pensioners with simple control cases without additional income such as rents, capital gains or income from self-employment are likely to have the comfort variants also focus on entrepreneurs who have to make a commercial or VAT return. The "T @ x" products lead but more convenient through the forms than that of "quick control", the judgment of the tester.
On the rear seats purely web-based programs "Smart control" and "income tax land Compact ". "The online portals are not as mature as other programs", draw the tester balance. Nevertheless, the web portals are becoming increasingly popular - they cover increasingly all important areas of life of the taxpayer from
Those who regards his inputs quickly, gets his money reimbursed faster.. However, the officials edit the declaration in 2015 usually until March. The reason:. Until the end of February employers, insurance companies and other institutions time to send the data needed for the Steuerberechung electronically to the tax authorities
have the video: So phone costs can be tax-deductible

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