Germany is still far from real equality in the workplace, the results of the “Equal Pay Day” every year in mind: On average, 22 percent less women continue to earn before. The reasons are varied and not eliminate overnight – and depending on which study one uses that will last even up to a hundred years or more. Eva Voss’s diversity manager at the accounting firm Ernst & amp; Young (EY) and distinguishes between different levels of maturity, by developing businesses through until they have genuine equality and diversity in the workplace.
It starts with a minimal consensus, in Germany it has been set by the General Equal Treatment Act, the was adopted of 2006. The employer who has not yet dealt specifically with discrimination, was then forced to observe at least basic things. “That is the basis,” says Voss. “At this point, a first awareness has been created.” In the second stage, a tolerant attitude has developed in companies: otherness is accepted – although not really appreciated, but at least recognized. At this stage although there is respect, but still the idea of ”normal” and “notwithstanding,”. At the very end of the development is the understanding of Voss that “normal” is no. It does not need more funding, not company agreements, everyone has quite naturally its place in the organization.
Many corporations specifically promote women
shows If you look at what German companies do so Although a clear appreciation for diversity and a sincere striving. However, the measures aim still is to “other” to integrate and promote – for example, the woman
Many DAX companies have recognized quite early that they need the women and it sure but. must specifically support. Just as a large German telecommunications group, which realizes a bottom-up strategy: Here one has given itself the goal before almost six years to have 30 percent of women in the top leadership Riegen. And so the women are there when it comes to the allocation of leadership position, you have developed it from the beginning. The company pays attention with the selection of trainees that it here has a female share of 30 percent. Besides, it has lifted out of the baptism Aufsichtsrätinnenprogramm. In it, the women will be trained on various topics, such as compliance, to encourage them. Thus, the Group is on the right track. But to be able to climb to the next level in the diversity process, such programs are not enough sometime: To turn to the right screws, you have to know it. “You would need a good number-based,” says EY-expert Eva Voss. Until now constitutes realization that you need for valid tools, but only gradually. A fact that surprised Voss: In all other fields of payments would be applied only in the HR field, the companies have difficulties. “Sometimes a training, even a mentoring – this is all nice, but only what is measured can actually be managed,” she says. Therefore at EY annual assessments are evaluated with a tool.
“This has led to a major sensitization”
For each judgment is entered in a database, then can be used to display as the reviews are distributed over the sexes and whether one got away worse average of two in a particular area. “This has led us to a great awareness,” says Voss. In case of deviations you have the opportunity to look more closely and for the reasons to look for. This shows EY how you can control even if diversity is not to remain a well-intentioned intention.
To help such tools in the transition and can help to make its processes more transparent. At Better Place Lab, a think tank in Berlin, you are there already more radical: All processes are totally transparent, as the salaries that are decided here open on the team. The team has given a list of criteria to help narrow down what sum is appropriate. Factors such as the range of the assumed responsibility, their own level of expertise or personal circumstances, such as children or relatives play a role. “Sex is no longer a category in which we think,” says Stephan Peters, who works in the lab for a good year. But he knows: “Such a thing is an ongoing experiment.” Steady Try and customizing is the motto. “In a traditional company with a patriarch at the top it is very difficult to outwit the structures,” he says. This looks Eva Voss similar – which is why it is so important that companies also collect in the HR figures and evaluate them. “As a safety net,” she says.

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