According to a study by PAC and BearingPoint to 55 percent of the automobile manufacturers are still in the initial stage of development of networked cars and the role of third-party software is growing steadily. The relationship between the sectors could deepen, participating software manufacturers at best more than ever.
In the era of networked car software suppliers play a key role for automobile manufacturers, according to a study by BearingPoint and PAC. “In order to keep their offer on the latest technology and to gain market share, they have to rethink their relationships with these suppliers,” explained the study authors.
55 percent of the automobile manufacturers are accordingly still at the early stages of development of networked cars while the role of third-party software has been growing. The recommendations that provide BearingPoint and PAC, to show the role that software vendors, as well as security service, the future could play.
Recommendations BearingPoint to automakers
- “complexity through collaboration overcome: automakers need to build strategic relationships with software suppliers as well as direct competition. Future automotive products will be much more focused on software rather than hardware. Partnerships with software producers are critical at this point, as automakers in the software field lack the necessary expertise. keep
- overview of industry trends and supplier strategies and use of its advantages: Manufacturers need to define long-term goals and the Syndicate its strategy of supplier. On this basis, it is important to focus on certain services and to find a niche in which they can develop in the long term.
- New work culture establish: By shifting the focus from hardware to software engineers with software expertise and employees are increasingly in demand with startup mentality. Their setting is the work culture in the automotive industry greatly influence and enhance the relationships with software suppliers.
- Data and customer security: Companies need to ensure data protection and vehicle safety. These two issues are relevant to the consumer interest in networked cars.
- make decisions based on the suppliers priorities: A large part of the sales and profits will come in the future of services instead of hardware products. Based on these developments manufacturer software suppliers and their priorities must very well know and take into account in developing their value system. “
” In the future, services are driving play a much more important role for consumers the technology under the hood. The number and variety of service line offerings by tech companies is growing and customers are increasingly aware of their high value. To ensure and expand their market positioning, automotive manufacturers must redefine their business models and partner relationships, “said Matthias Löbich, Global Head of Automotive at BearingPoint, conclusively.

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