Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Computer: Historic victory: Google software overcomes Go Master – ABC Online

Wednesday , 03.09.2016, 15:25
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Machine 1, Man 0 . for a long time the old strategy game Go to be too heavy for your computer. But now a Google software is so far as to propose one of the world’s best players. Can the Koreans Lee Sedol turn things around in the next few days

It is a milestone for artificial intelligence: In a highly anticipated forces comparison between humans and computers has a Google- software a Top player in the game of Go defeated.

The 33-year-old Korean Lee Sedol shed around three and a half hours. It was the first of five games in a match between Lee and the program AlphaGo in the South Korean capital Seoul. The more than 2500 year old Asian strategy game Go, with its many possible play down was to develop AlphaGo as too complicated for computer.

Lee, who was already twelve years old pro, showed beforehand convinced that he would win the overall title. Although he acknowledged that people made mistakes rather than machines. At the same time Lee explained but to win even one game, would be a victory for the computer. Software does not feel the beauty of the game.

After losing the first game, Lee was “surprised” how perfectly AlphaGo’ve played. “I did not expect to lose, even when I had trouble at the beginning.” He hopes to perform better with a stronger opening game in the coming games. Called

Chris Garlock from the American Go Association to output a “big surprise”, his association colleague Andrew Jackson even talked of a shock experience. “We have said that the day will come.” But did you not believe that this moment would arrive so soon. “We are totally in shock.”

For a long time the commenting Go experts spoke on the Google Video website YouTube by a “tight game” between AlphaGo and Lee. After a conventional beginning already the fourth train of Lee fell from unusual. “He tried to computer databases to put out,” said Go-pro Michael Redmond, who commenting on the game in the YouTube broadcast.

In the software million plays of the best players were fed. She uses it to predict the likely next moves of the opponent and targeted search for answers. On a game board with 361 fields would otherwise the variety of variants can not be calculated fast enough for a modern computer. The players in the match, two hours each time per game for their trains.

AlphaGo could not be caught unawares by Lee unusual approach and played unusually aggressively for a computer, as experts explained. The counterparties were caught in a tough position battle, which spread from the upper half of the board in the middle. After two and a half hours of previously largely emotionless Lee showed signs of restlessness

First consumed AlphaGo and Lee largely uniformly their time -. Until 45 minutes remained. Then Lee made his features much faster, partly a matter of seconds. When he gave up, he had only 28 minutes and 28 seconds on the clock left and AlphaGo 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

Until March 15 the five games of the competition on YouTube are transmitted. It is also about a prize of one million dollars – in the case of a total victory of the computer, the money will be donated. The next game is on Thursday.

The game was for computer long as too complex. But last fall, the Google software suggested for the first time a professional player, the European champion Fan Hui in all five games. Since Lee Sedol is considered much stronger player – even as one of the best of our time – still a very good chance that Google have him certify against the program

AlphaGo was developed by programmers of the British company Deep Mind, around two. years had bought. According to media reports, the price was $ 500 million

The rules of the originally from China Go are simple in principle: Two players try on a game board – a grid of 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines – areas to. conquer. But they take turns placing black and white stones. Completely encircled opponent’s pieces are removed from the board.


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