Seoul – The Go Master Lee Se-dol (33) has so far not keep up with the world’s computers. The Asian board game was thought to be too complex for Artificial Intelligence, but a Google software has defeated the Champion.
After three of five games the match was decided. The software AlphaGo let Lee no chance. Although it was still achieve a decent result on Sunday and on 3: reduce 1, but the winner is before the last game on Tuesday fixed already.
After the decisive third match the words of software developers Demis Hassabis sounded as if to comfort South Korea’s best Go player Lee Se-dol. Actually he and his team arrived in Seoul, to challenge “the amazing genius” Lee and to learn from him, said the co-founder of Deep Mind.
AlphaGo from Google computer beats human at the game
source: Reuters
the developers of Google subsidiary have created with the software AlphaGo a strong opponent. Only on Sunday Lee failed to restore its tarnished reputation. After the fourth game, the fans of Go could breathe easy: top players Lee Sedol brought the software on Sunday duly mess. The computer gave the game after more than four and a half hours after the profit opportunities had fallen to a minimum.
The Artificial Intelligence wins
The South Koreans Lee who had excused after the third defeat on Saturday to his fans, was relieved: “This victory is priceless.” the overall victory is however going to AlphaGo after the last match on Tuesday.
The first victory of the software had the developer, Lee and the experts surprised. The success in the second and third game they made speechless by its own account. The defeat on Sunday would at home precisely analyzed in London to improve the program, says Hassabis.

Photo: AP / dpa
His response also demonstrates the leaps in development that has made the program in recent months. AlphaGo counting on artificial intelligence, which is constantly growing and thereby itself improved. The interest in the match in the Four Seasons Hotel in Seoul is enormous.
journalists from around the world who registered for local reporting. On the Google platform YouTube, the game will be broadcast live on the Internet. Some South Korean broadcasters every move is analyzed in detail. Many of Lee’s compatriots cheer on the TV sets.
How does the tournament
Here’s how the strategic board game from China: Two players place their lenticular black or white stones on the pitch at the intersections of the lines. Objective here is, with the stones of one color to edge the greatest area and include the opponent’s pieces. To Go is more complex than chess, because the number of playable versions is much higher.
AlphaGo says the likely moves of the opponent Lee Sedol beforehand and adapts to it.
In AlphaGo first 30 million plays of professionals were fed into the computer. Then there was the next train of people can predict in 57 percent of cases, explain the developers. Finally AlphaGo played many tournaments against himself in order to become better and to learn, lead which trains to success.
Lee had expressed very confident ahead of the match, to beat the program , On Saturday, he even apologized for his defeats. As he feels the victory of the machine? “It was the defeat of Lee Se-dol, not the whole of humanity,” he said. The software does not play perfectly.
Lee had the game for many years dominated. Last but younger players came on, making him into second place, including the Chinese Jie Ke. “I think I still have advantages the program; 60 percent in my favor “, the 20-year-old now told the Chinese news agency Xinhua. But as Lee is also Ke Jie became clear: “. It will not be long until AlphaGo defeated every human player”
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