VW has the exhaust software apparently still evolving, as it was already clear that the US authorities have the carmaker in its sights. According NDR, WDR and BR exactly could have provided an indication of let fly up the scandal.
The manipulation of diesel engines in the Volkswagen Group were apparently more extensive than previously known. They were still made according to research by NDR, WDR and “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, as the California Environmental Protection Agency CARB based company underscored for months due to significantly increased exhaust gas values had in their sights.
VW Developers have therefore apparently extended nor turn of the year 2014/15 the illegal breaking device unnoticed by the US authorities by a software update. The motor control could henceforth distinguish more clearly, whether the car has been tested on a test stand or driving down the road. For this, a function has been added to the software that realized the movement of the steering wheel. She put reliable fixed when the car drove down the street, and reduced then the exhaust gas purification.
background was evident that VW assumed that the vehicles previously often had connected incorrectly in the clean test mode for normal road use, resulting in increased wear on the diesel particulate filter. A VW internal document, according to November 2014, the particulate filter by 6700 diesel cars in the US and Canada had failed. Volkswagen expected therefore still nearly 50,000 more such damage
“deliberately further program code added”
Several computer science experts who examined at the request of the NDR, the control software of the investigated US Passat before and after the update. They came to the conclusion that in the new version, the feature of the steering angle detection has been added. “As part of the update, the software has been refined so that it can detect more accurately, whether it is in a test situation or not,” says Thorsten Holz, Professor of System Security at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. In the fraud operation “not only data has been substituted. It was deliberately another program code added,” the Hamburger Hacker Felix Domke. “The car will not drive in the clean test mode after the update mistakenly It will run more frequently in dirty road mode..”
The California environmental Protection agency had called in the early summer of 2014, measured in road maintenance to explain excessive exhaust emissions from diesel vehicles Volkswagen. VW had CARB then in December 2014, a voluntary recall of the affected vehicles offered to reduce by a software update nitrogen oxide emissions in road maintenance. Seemingly independent of the gas issue and the problems with particulate filters should be resolved with the update. From the end of December 2014, the vehicles over 500,000 affected were recalled in the workshops. With 280,000 cars the software update has been, according to VW then actually carried out until spring, 2015.
detection of the steering angle of the crucial clue?
CARB experts had indeed observed in the follow-up studies carried out in May 2015 that the nitrogen oxide emissions have been reduced in road maintenance by other means within the software updates. Since the limits are, however, still exceeded by fifteen times, the authorities intensified their examination and discovered by its own account, that in response to steering wheel movement, speed, driving time and air pressure, the extent of emission changes and the car realized the testing situation. The extension of the software to detect the steering angle has thus possibly decisive contribution that CARB illegal disconnection device finally discovered.
Volkswagen declined to comment on demand in detail. A VW spokesman said only with, “that the whole subject is being studied intensively. Prior to completion of internal and external, independent investigations but we do not give any information on this.” For the business community it is, the fraud software was actually generally still continue beyond the initial programming of 2006. but is responsible for this only a “small circle” of employees who acted without the knowledge of senior management of Volkswagen.
In the car industry is also considered possible that the case of enlargement software lay in ensuring of legal reasons to improve the recognition of the dynamometer. Because of the increasing number of vehicles with all-wheel drive that was necessary for such a car, “not accidentally from the test bed” hops. Whether this could be a valid version, the investigation must demonstrate

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