Apple the software startup Metaio acquired from Munich. The company is specialized and linked with touchscreen operations views of the real world on “Augmented Realiy” with digital information – among other things for Ferrari and Ikea
Apple. , the German software company Metaio bought, which is specialized to link views the real world with digital information. The iPhone Group commented speculation about the takeover with the usual formulation: “Apple buys from time to time small technology companies”. Previously, a register extract had appeared on the Internet on Thursday, in which Apple was listed as Metaio partner.
Metaio from Munich is a leading provider in the so-called “augmented reality”. This additional information will be displayed on items on the screen, after they had been captured by the camera. Metaio put such projects to, among others, for the carmaker Ferrari and Ikea.
Also Microsoft is working on “Augmented Reality”
A year ago, the startup also questioned the idea before, expand touch-screen operation on the real world. For this is a special camera in the concept register the heat that leaves the finger at an object. Software from various actions derive.
Also, Apple’s rivals are working on concepts for Augmented Reality. So, Microsoft recently the data goggles HoloLense before, with the user for a virtual objects can be shown that interact with the real environment.
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