(Image: MIT)!
A developed at Massachusetts Instittute of Technology Software to reflections caused by windows to remove later on photos in the future.
With snapshots through a window pane usually end up reflections of objects behind the photographer in the picture. Researchers at the Massachusetts Instittute of Technology (MIT) want to get at this problem with a new algorithm which is to be unveiled in June at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference. The software will automatically remove reflections from digital photos and be suitable for a variety of applications.
The researchers make advantage of the fact that shot through windows pictures usually depict two slightly offset reflections. This was justified in the use of double-glazed windows, which provide in buildings for better insulation. The reflection caused by the inner and outer pane in the captured image by their distance from each other easily removed. But even with thick glass panes incur two reflections, one on the front and one on the back.
Test run with 50,000 snapshots
This duplication can be detected by the algorithm and factored out of the photo , But the image in 8 × 8 pixels large blocks divided, is in which to search for identical and slightly offset matching items. The software attempts to remove these following from the photo. In a test run with 50,000 snapshots, can be found on those caused by windows reflections were, good results have been achieved.
The test objects additionally served 197 photos from the image search from Google and from art galleries on Flickr, where ” Window Reflection “was registered as a keyword. In 96 images, the algorithm was able to remove the reflections almost without leftovers.
The researchers want to offer their algorithm for further optimization as part of programs for photo editing. Concrete plans for this have not yet been called. Who does not want to rely on the subsequent removal of a reflection, can reduce reflections by screwing a polarizing filter on the lens. ( Denise Bergert ) / (AXK)

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