. Software AG: Release according to § 26 para 1 WpHG with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
Software AG
05/13/2015 18:48
Release of a Voting Rights announcement, transmitted by DGAP – a service of EQS Group AG. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of the message verantwortlich.
Mit Date of May 4, 2015, we the SOFTWARE AG – notified Foundation pursuant to § 21 para 1 WpHG that the voting rights of SOFTWARE AG – Foundation at the Software Aktiengesellschaft Darmstadt (ISIN: DE0003304002). April 30, 2015, the voting rights threshold of 30% and amounted on this day 31.59% (this corresponds to 24,960,000 Voting Rights)
In this context, the SOFTWARE AG tells us -.. FOUNDATION on 13 May 2015 in line with §27a section 1 WpHG the following information:
. 1 Objectives of the acquisition of the voting rights (§ 27a para. 1 sentence 1 and 3 WpHG)
a) The acquisition was made through cancellation of treasury shares, reducing the share capital by the Software Aktiengesellschaft and served neither to implement strategic objectives nor of generating trading profits
b) The SOFTWARE AG -.. FOUNDATION does not intend to obtain further voting rights in the Software Aktiengesellschaft by acquisition or any other way within the next twelve months
c) The SOFTWARE AG – FOUNDATION aims to continue to be represented on the Supervisory Board of Software AG. Incidentally, no influence is sought on the composition of the administrative or management bodies of Software Aktiengesellschaft
d) The SOFTWARE AG -. FOUNDATION does not intend to change the capital structure of Software Aktiengesellschaft, particularly with regard to the ratio of own – and debt financing and the dividend policy
2.. Source of Financing for the acquisition of the voting rights (§ 27a para. 1 sentence 1 and sentence 4 WpHG)
The acquisition of voting rights took place under reduction of share capital due to cancellation of treasury shares by Software Aktiengesellschaft. With regard to the acquisition of voting rights in the Software Aktiengesellschaft therefore neither equity nor debt were spent.
13.05.2015 DGAP’s Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements
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Sprache: German company: Software AG
Uhlandstraße 12 64297 Darmstadt
Germany Internet: www.softwareag.com
End of Announcement DGAP News-Service
Quelle: AFX

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