Do we not all? Software features that do exactly what they want – which nevertheless are completely pointless. The most impressive and most annoying features we have compiled entirely subjective for you. Accompany us on a small, nostalgic journey through absolutely meaningless software functions.
Clippy, the talking paperclip
“It looks like you’re trying to write a letter. .. “Aha. Thank Sherlock. Rarely has a set beginning was so annoying, like Microsoft’s “smart” paperclip Clippy.

Clippy was a “funny” designed software wizard, the Microsoft Office users should really help – in fact, he has produced only annoyed or amused shake of his head. The first time. A short time after the first appearance of the paper clip hit the amusement of most users in hatred to.
If you still feel like a reunion with the pungent Microsoft pupil has, can indeed take a look at the Microsoft Game “Ribbon Hero 2, Clippys Second Chance” cast. In the Office Lernspiel the paperclip drives still unpunished mischief and explains new Microsoft-users in a fun way the office world.
The Learning Lexmark printer

Seriously, what was that? You start a printing and Lexmark printers announced loudly, “started printing!” And shortly afterwards: “finished printing.” Yes, no, really? The protruding from the printer, printed paper and the pandemonium of an inkjet printer from the late ’90s is not enough Note that printing was completed successfully? No, Lexmark had delight with a verbal confirmation message customers yet. . Almost one was afraid that the printer is released by the US cable and triumphantly dances around the term around
Do you really want …
The Windows plague par excellence: The eternally superfluous question if I really want to shut down the system. It really is understandable, the tangled click route to the “Shutdown” button follow so several times a day by mistake. Optionally, when you reboot, or deleting. Or, or, or. And as if that were not enough: The dialogue has crept subsequently quietly and secretly in the default behavior of some graphical user interfaces
Sony DRM Rootkit

In the autumn of 2005 it became clear how Sony implements the copy of his CDs: When you insert the CD to set-up level a permanent spionierendes rootkit on the customer calculator. Complete user profiles were “in order to avoid Raukopien” to the music giants. All sorts of funny side effects including: BenefitsCustomer another player software than the supplied XPC player, added a driver to the music at random added noise. Thanks to Sony and the legendary reaction of the former Digital Chefs Thomas Hesse, now knows, after all, the general public, what is a rootkit: “I think most people do not even know what a rootkit, so why should they bother?” , Thanks for the clarification, Sony.
The “jiggling” MSN Messenger
instant messaging was a huge trend in the 90s (and in the following years). The manufacturer of the Messenger fought by all means for supremacy: emoticons, animated emoticons, extremely animated emoticons, animated emoticons extreme, absurd around dancing emoticons – and just thought than anyone, because you can expect any more, came the animated Messenger. Clicking on the corresponding button of the Microsoft program and the Messenger while facing began to wobble, as if someone had kicked hard against his foot: thud. Impatient people then also expressed several times on the button, whereupon bekamt after third wobbling like, vigorously kicking the screen.
The ICQ whistle
For me, completely incomprehensible, but for some users was the annoying-frequency “Oh-Oh” of ICQ, the messenger announcing the new messages, a pleasure. Or how else I explain the fact that actually still ICQ ringtones are sought for smartphones? For me personally, the sound went mightily on my nerves, usually then began the conversation already directly aggressive: “Oh-Oh” “WHAT”. In general, it sounds like a bad idea, with “Oh-Oh” initiate any communication – unless you’re a car mechanic
AOL’s “You’ve Got Mail”
You’ve Got Mail. When you start the AOL software this masterpiece of AOL software company proudly announced that new e-mails were received. Really funny it was when the e-mails were not read and Microsoft Windows as expected a bluescreen produced: In diverse restarts in office and the principle contained in the Startup AOL software then you could at some afternoons a veritable cacophony of the office to hear sound You – have – mail! Immediately after penetrating AOL CD-epidemic, which was then the second reason for me to look for before AOL into the distance. The US side has the sound still to listen to Europe, if anyone should feel the desire for the old AOL sound.
Rover, the dog in the XP search

Actually, it would be enough to read the above paragraph again about Clippy. You would not believe it, but after the derision about Clippy Microsoft attacked again at a pseudo-cute mascot: Rover. A small, yellow, wagging his tail dog accompanied each call to the XP search with various questions about the search process. ! Seat, bitch
Filter Keys
This is definitely the last Windows-disaster for this article, although I as Apple fanboy some would still come: Filter Keys. An input help, so actually a commendable device which was unfortunately already activated at the factory, rather than only when needed. With annoying consequences: If you press the Shift key long the Filter Keys window opened and blocked the desktop, regardless of what has just been typed and clicked – first time had gone Filter Keys. If it is still to be the version with the incorrect “Cancel” button, joy was announced: Filter Keys ran on just
Facebook Stickers

I give up. For any other previously presented feature reminds me of at least one rudimentary, what it might be good. What but this absurdly large, extremely ugly things are justified on Facebook? I do not know.
What software capabilities have your nerves maltreated that “feature from Hell” is still missing in our list? We are looking forward to your “favorites”!

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