The controversial software Jus-It, hamburg wide youth welfare, social assistance and housing benefits to be reorganized with, will probably again more expensive – how much exactly about is disputed.
At least 150 million euros would cost the project now, says Daniel Oetzel (27), the family-policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group, is no longer the time estimated by the Senate 133.7 million total budget. That is clear from a Senate response to an inquiry of the FDP parliamentary group. “Social Senator Scheele has control over the introduction of Jus-It now completely lost: Incredible EUR 150 million tax dollars have gone so far, but the system still does not work,” Oetzel said the “world”
version update will cost 2.7 million euros
In the request of the Senate are the additional costs for a version update of the basic software Curam with which the project is running at 2.7 million euros. The following technical adjustments such as the conversion of payments to the SEPA Core and legal changes, for a total of 12.6 million euros has been earmarked.
In addition, the system launched temporary alimony not, such as trust fund was not timely paid to the recipient. These and other errors had to be repaired costly. . This results in the calculated from the FDP almost 150 million euros
The social authority in whose department the software is used, defends itself against criticism: ” We need to implement legislative changes in maintenance and child support, which we can not foresee, “said spokesman Marcel Schweitzer. Change laws, the software needs to be adapted.
This is not an isolated case, but done with other programs that are in the administration in operation. With the introduction of such a large project could be errors in some functions not exclude these were but each zügigbeseitigt.
2009 was a black-green Senate Software brought on the way, the originally planned cost was EUR 112 million. The program replaces paper files, Jus-It reminds employees also on unfinished duties and sets deadlines. Actually, the youth welfare offices should be relieved by the software. At that time was a “very complex solution” has been found, says Schweitzer. The SPD Senate have the time and cost estimates from that time has always been thought of as “unrealistic”.
Again and again it comes to errors in the software: we can not print documents employee, then hooked the payment function or data is not displayed. Actually, the manufacturer IBM would be responsible to fix these errors. But this so-called warranty Release accesses until the end of June 2015. Contract partner of IBM’s data port, an institution under public law.
Data Port takes for the City of Hamburg and other German states was tasks as an IT service within the public administration. The City of Hamburg holds approximately 30 percent of the shares, the social authority shall determine the technical requirements of the software. All remaining shortcomings should be resolved according to Senate now the end of June. A guarantee that no further errors occur after the repair end of June, one can at a new software but basically do not give, it says in DataPort.
The not enough of the FDP, she accuses the government of “messing about” in front of “Project management has detention and finally develop a plan for Jus-It, which is the responsibility towards the beneficiaries needs,” Daniel Oetzel said. So far one project report of IT consulting services CSC was the end of the year before, in which the current state of Jus-It is described.
The report of 2014 was yet in February 2015 the final editing, now he was finished, so the response from the Senate to the FDP request. When it is present the citizenry and the technical committee, is not clear. A reasonable project controlling is hardly possible for the citizenry by this Senate act, it says in the FDP.
program is regarded as complicated and prone to error
The large-scale project so that Jus-It is increasingly becoming a perennial problem for the Senate. Critics are already talking about a “digital Elbphilharmonie”. The program is also considered a complicated and error-prone. Again and again complain staff about, for example in the parliamentary committee of inquiry in the death of three-year Yagmur.
In June 2014, the director of the General Social Service designated (ASD) Eimsbüttel the Introduction of Jus-It as a “meltdown”. It lacked the time to incorporate all notes in the program, this is much more complicated than the previous practice, to edit files by hand. It unnecessarily prolong the processing time and did not fit into the reality of ASD.
The costs soared. In May 2014, the Ministry revised the estimates by 22.5 million to EUR 133.5 million. Later, the Senate was the cost in a request with 142 million euros, then pointed but on erroneous data that have been accidentally mentioned, and remained at 133 million. Jus-It will continue to remain in use, it is now from the social security office.

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