The free desktop publishing software Scribus brings in version 1.5.0 with many new features . (Image:
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The Scribus Team has released 1.5.0 of its free desktop publishing software version. The new edition of the DTP application for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X brings many new features and import filters and an improved user interface with.
Scribus 1.5.x is the current development branch of Scribus project which serves as a technical preview of the next stable version 1.6.0. The software is built with Qt 5 and used more external libraries than their predecessors, in particular for import filter. On Windows and Mac OS X only the stable version 1.6.0 is to provide full support for these libraries.
New user interface
Scribus 1.5.0 has received a newly structured user interface; so takes about the context menu now less space. Bitmap images can be saved in its native file format now. To save a lot of time, a new cloning feature: An object can thus become a symbol or convert “Master Item”. If such an object then changes, Scribus transmits the changes to all of its copies.
In the new image browser Scribus images can be combined into collections and labeling. The Table tool has been developed, an image browser makes it easy to select images and insert. With arc and spiral two new vector shapes have been added, for calligraphy fans the tool “Calligraphic Line” is included. Scribus now also dominates drop shadow.
New import filter
Many other new features there are in the management of colors and fill patterns. Scribus can now import Gimp Gradients and patterns from Adobe Photoshop and AutoCAD. Some import filters have been revised and improved, new ones have been added. So Scribus can now, among other files in formats of the formerly popular Adobe PageMaker 6.5 and 7 to import as well as those that were created with CorelDraw, Micrografx Draw, Publisher or Visio. A Importer for InDesign / InCopy is for the first time here, but still needs to be improved.
These and other innovations make the Readme to Scribus 1.5.0 closer before. Scribus 1.5.0 is available at SourceForge for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X download. Ubuntu is a daily build of Scribus 1.5 from a PPA can be installed. ( Liane M. Dubowy ) / (LMD)
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