7.10 Clock: arbiters stabbed – 20-year-old comes before magistrate
After the deadly stitches against a 22-year-old arbiters to be brought before a judge of the alleged perpetrator today. This will then decide whether the 20-year-old comes in pre-trial detention, as the Hamburg police reported today morning.
during an argument with his girlfriend to the 20-year-old who killed the 22-year-old yesterday morning. Who had tried to mediate between the two. A few hours after the crime in the Billstedt district turned the alleged perpetrator of the police. Officials do not expect that he and the victim knew each other
7.05 clock. Also, we are not afraid of the truth
A contribution from the category “useless knowledge”: Today, 295 years ago is Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen, better known as Baron Munchausen, born. Yeah, the guy with the tall tales. One of his best-known brain fantasies: “Munchausen pulling himself together with his horse on its own bootstraps.” Could also come from Bruno Labbadia
6.55 clock. Fire in Winterhuder small apartment house
In case of fire in a Hamburg Multi family have been slightly injured two people. The fire broke out in the bedroom of an apartment on the third floor of the five-storey building, the fire department told straight. A total of four people had before the fire in the Winterhude district this morning by 4 clock be brought to safety. As regards the amount of property damage, the identity of those rescued and the cause of the fire the fire department could initially give any information
6.48 clock. Today the Kita to
One strike takes a break, the other runs further: Even today some daycare centers remain completely sealed in Hamburg. Thousands parents have to look after alternative care for their children.
According to the union Verdi 24 000 children are affected by the indefinite strike of teachers in Hamburg.
6.40 clock: one million visitors during Hafengeburtstag
We’ve just decided: In our next life we will port. A boat parade, fireworks, stalls – everything in our honor. Genial! And a million birthday guests – oh, Guest (costs money, lots of money) – uh, poof, well: Let the with the rebirth. We prefer to use the time in the first life. Well, if that is not the calendar Quote of the Day is
6.28 Clock: train drivers’ strike ended – Transport in Hamburg runs again
GDL boss Claus Weselsky begrudge us a strike-break – accordingly also drives the transport in Hamburg after exposure of the strike largely normally again:
6.19 Clock: energy ministerial meeting in Hamburg
Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) wants today and tomorrow convince others in the G7 group united western industrialized countries from the German energy transition model. “This year I want to expand the focus and take all energy sources in the view, contribute to sustainable energy security,” said Gabriel.
was in Rome a 13-point plan has been drawn up in response to the Ukraine-Russia crisis in May 2014 to be now concretised in Hamburg on. By 13 clock he will travel with the delegates to the North Sea and open up the offshore wind farm Nordsee Ost and converter platform HelWin alpha
6.04 clock. Defective software of social authority is becoming more expensive
It is regarded as Hamburg’s “digital Elbphilharmonie”: The controversial software Jus-It will cost already 150 million euros – an increase of a lot more than planned. The competent social authority defends itself against growing criticism. Click here for the article from our author Philipp Woldin
6 clock:. Good morning, Hamburg
Beautiful! that you are so early there! We – that Jacob Koch and Dennis Betzholz – inform you about the most important thing from the Hanseatic city this morning. But we can already reveal: We are outrageous despite the time in a good mood (such as the HSV and FC St. Pauli) and promise you that we do not argue in the next few hours (unlike the AfD Hamburg). On it goes into a new day in the beautiful city of Hamburg! Good morning!
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