Source: inside-handy.de
There is an extensive Apple problem: Hardly comes a new iOS software on the market, the older models are slow. According to many users stories as happened with the iPhone 4 and the update to iOS 7 and the iPhone 4S and the iOS-8 update. But now wants to Apple at the expected iOS 9 version, make sure that precisely does not happen this error, which claims to have learned at least the Apple magazine 9to5Mac . So far, Apple developers have provided the new software for older devices and then have some features that were not compatible with the device simply shut down – but the updates have overwhelmed the older hardware. To avoid frustration among users, will you therefore take a different approach. It will first give an iOS-9-based version. Then in accordance with compatible features little by little to add, depending on the device or not. Users of older models would then although some functions and features are missing, but will the iPhone can be used in a normal speed on and they have access to the latest APIs. In itself not a bad idea, which is, however, Apple’s hitherto bestätigt.Einige users the operation would certainly be pleased, because by doing so could benefit from the new iOS version even models like the iPhone 4s. Whether Apple actually working on such a model, will certainly point to the developer conference WWDC in early June Source:. Heise Newsticker topics this news: Apple, iOS, smartphone
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