Schwäbisch Hall
The young Haller company of Marcel Krull starts now with the commercialization of a new software. With the help of “Incentivus” targets are agreed, evaluated and rewarded performance
The sole proprietor Marcel Krull has its headquarters in Haus der Wirtschaft in Haller Solpark. The 33-year-old founded the company in 2007, but he was still working by 2012 as a software developer at Michel Bacher machine builder Fong Europe. Then he concentrated on his own business.
With a new online-based software to Marcel Krull is now on a second leg. Recently, the program was presented at a trade fair in Stuttgart.
Reward Points can be redeemed here
The electronic tool was suitable also, as the founder, behaviors to change companies. In essence, it is important that objectives are agreed with employees. This agreement has been deposited on an online platform, to access the company as an employee. If the target is met, this example confirmed by a Vice President. Deposited are objectives with different numbers of reward points. These can be redeemed.
“The premiums are but of secondary importance”, Marcel Krull admits. Rather, it is a question that companies signaled their employees, be that good performance noticed and recognized. “Small pulses can make a big difference,” says the software developer, who once trained as energy electronics technician. The software managers and managements would get an innovative solution that will help, prevent conflicts at an early stage, aims to communicate comprehensibly and effectively reach, promises Marcel Krull. With the software, the short and long-term goals could – and not only those which can be measured in operational performance. Objectives may also be suggestions for improvement, or waiver to smoke.
The idea came to “Incentivus” in cooperation with a customer. This would change certain behaviors of its employees and the employees who go along reward.
“We have placed the focus that the software is simple and fast. Companies do not want to deal with the long tool or employee Send to Training “, the owner says. In the development of “Incentivus” Marcel Krull has invested more than EUR 30,000. His own work was not taken into account.
The core business of the company is so far the software according to customer requirements for special purpose machines, automation technology or production data acquisition. With “Incentivus”, the company for the first time a standard software. The turnover of the past year are Krull with around 160,000 euros.
In spite of a great interest in the exhibition staff-Süd in Stuttgart there is as yet no customers for the new program. That could soon change. Marcel Krull and his sales and marketing staff Thomas Schodrock are in the process of editing 70 serious inquiries. A similar software do not give it so far, insured Marcel Krull.

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