Friday, May 29, 2015

Drugs, fake IDs, hacker software: “Silk Road” founder Ulbricht … – ABC Online

Friday, 29.05.2015, 22:55
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The founders the underground trading platform “Silk Road”, Ross Ulbricht is, life in prison. Through its platform were drugs, sold hacking software and counterfeit identity documents. Investigators had transferred him in the act.

The founder of the underground trading platform “Silk Road”, Ross Ulbricht is, life in prison. This was decided by a New York court on Friday as the financial news agency Bloomberg reported from the courtroom. About “Silk Road” hacker software and counterfeit identity documents were Internet drugs sold. However, the platform should have been used for other illegal activities such as money laundering.

The 31-year-old Ulbricht was found guilty in February. The jury saw it proven that he steered the illegal platform under the code name “Dread Pirate Roberts”. Investigators estimated that about “Silk Road” illegal drug transactions in the amount of $ 1.2 billion were settled. Ulbricht said to have also tried to give several murders in order.

investigators took him right in the chat firmly

Ulbricht himself claimed that he had “Silk Road” just started and then placed in other hands. However, the investigators had placed particular emphasis on arrest him in the middle of an online chat, which he led as “Dread Pirate Roberts”.

The minimum sentence was 20 years. Ulbricht had the Court yet last week requested in a letter, not a lifetime to put him behind bars because he had realized his error

Video:. The Google for drug trafficking

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