Sunrise Meet. (Screenshot: Sunrise / YouTube)

Sunrise Meet: software keyboard is the calendar
The newest feature of the Calendar app of Sunrise could also bring users to install that actually use another app for this purpose. With Meet Sunrise gets its own software keyboard for iOS and Android. However, instead of actually display a keyboard, Meet displays your calendar. Do you want to arrange a meeting via e-mail or through a messenger, you can easily select an available appointment above. In addition, you can also directly specify a meeting place.
Meet then generates a link and inserts it in your message. Your opposite can view and confirm the selected date over the link. So you can very easily, and set meetings without opening your calendar app. With Meet the Calendar app of Sunrise could therefore be of interest to users and that actually use a competing app. Thanks to synchronization with the Google calendar and iCloud Could you your existing app for all other tasks continue to use parallel
Sunrise Meet:. Here’s an idea could also use other apps
are with Meet It consists of two totally different apps to look at an interesting way information side by side. From such a form of multitasking certainly could benefit other apps. While you can represent in Windows 8 tablets innately two apps side by side, do not have this possibility so far for iOS. The idea had a lot of potential to make our dealings with tablets and smartphones more effective.
If you want to try Meet, you have to you the Sunrise Calendar app for iOS or Android Download or update to the current version perform. The Sunrise Calendar is free and there is also a web and as an OS X app
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