Your tax return is still waiting? Then get Just help: With Web services you get that stuff very quickly from the table, on the other hand bargain hunters grab better for classical control software for the PC, as has been shown in the c’t test
<. p> At first glance, the range of control software seems immense but put on closer inspection behind almost always one of five programs. This is the result of control programs in the current issue of c’t test.
Passionate tax savers
In the test the “WISO Steuer passbook” and “Tax” from Buhl Data, “Quick Control” and “Taxman” by Haufe-Lexware and “tax shelter Declaration” were the Academic Working Group. The packages cost between 35 and 40 Euro, the subscription model, there are already from 25 euros. The programs provide legal commentaries, extensive court decisions and explanatory videos so passionate tax savers still saving the very last chance to take full. Examines c’t has mainly Help Systems: How quickly users can find answers to typical questions about topics such as contractor costs, advertising costs, family, investment income or pensions.
One of the programs, the WISO Steuer passbook, can also be operated by iOS and Andorid app. While the W iso-program takes the user by the hand and intelligible comes across, the Buhl-Tax program rather speaks the language of the financial officials. Both packages and the tax-saving explanation of the Academic Association can be tested free of charge in a trial on the Web to make the declaration.
piece applicant
The complete tax returns on the Web, with no software installation or perform updates, handle piece applicant by Web service. Here were of Buhl the “WISO Steuer: Web” and “Taxango” and Haufe-Lexware “smart control” in the test, also “Wage Tax Compact” and “SteuerGo” of manufacturers forium and hard work of the “control Fuchs”
<. p> In the test showed that the data transfer from the final declaration at times not fully succeed. Mostly you can see the entries until the completion of a tax if done anonymously, three programs store the control data locally. A Web service that “control fox” of hard work, also dominates the magpie-delivery with signature. It allows the user to operate the longest anonymous and is as WISO Steuer: Web rather for tax professionals and less for students or young professionals; on this depends instead the 10 Euro Cheap Taxango.
More on the tax return on the PC you find in the current c’t 12/15:

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