Dürr: The automotive supplier wants leading provider of digital production control are
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The auto supplier Dürr wants to be with the new subsidiary iTAC to become a leading provider of digital production control and against the industry giants Siemens and SAP argue. “We are now in competition with SAP a” CEO Ralf Dieter said on Monday evening in Stuttgart. The software company from Montabaur with an annual turnover of 15 million euros is the largest supplier of control software in the auto industry. Other sectors to be added.
Since the business of networking of production distinguishes just, could be expected with strong growth. In the coming years, the annual sales could rise by 50 million euros, predicted Dieter.
With the software from iTAC large amounts of data from all areas of a factory can be collected and evaluated. So the operators receive comprehensive information in real-time to production indicators such as material and energy consumption, cycle time and utilization. The production will be more efficient, for example by wearing parts are replaced before they fail.
The paint systems Dürr offers such programs themselves have been around ten years. To accept the iTAC the MDAX Corporation, a major order from Volkswagen has ultimately driven. Dürr builds paint shop for the new commercial vehicle plant in Poland. The Wolfsburg-based group demanded According to Dieter, to link the entire production of shell on painting to final assembly, so Dürr had to bring new expertise on board.
With the help of “Manufacturing Execution Systems” (MES) as it offers iTAC enables production monitor and control live via a tablet computer. A great potential for Dürr sees in China, where up to one hundred production lines are in a factory hall. The Swabian plant engineers for technology for painting, balancing, filling and cleaning makes a quarter of its annual turnover of three and a half billion euros in China. “Industry 4.0 is also in China a hype topic,” said iTAC CEO Peter Bollinger. “We will grow massively abroad.”
The 1998 split from Bosch IT companies can with Dürr in the back now even more jobs to pull the country from customers who iTAC with his just 90 employees was too small. The MES business of big rivals have so far only a sales volume of 30 to 40 million dollars a year.
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ts / Reuters

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