Stuttgart / Bietigheim-Bissingen
The machine and plant manufacturer Dürr from Bietigheim-Bissingen has introduced its concepts and innovations for Industrial 4.0. The acquisition of the software company “iTAC” is an important step
“For us industry is 4.0 an evolutionary development” says Ralf W. Dieter, CEO of Dürr AG. Dürr sees industry 4.0 into three sub-areas:. Smart Processes, Smart Products, and Smart Services
Smart Processes writes the efficient processes in development, manufacture and distribution of equipment and services. For example, the customer receives his ordered varnishing advance already as a virtual image. When it comes to smart products intelligent, networked and self-regulating products. As a painting machine as much energy as the city of Ludwigsburg, a good air management system that controls the fresh and drain, save a lot of energy. With Smart Services is an extended service offer through the online connection of machines. A QR code on the machine passes the customer on all important information about the system, without having to find your way through a thick manual.
A big step in the development of industry-4.0 strategy has the Dürr AG made with the acquisition of 100 percent of the shares in “iTAC” Software AG two weeks ago. “With iTAC we have a well-established provider acquired,” says Dieter. Within the next two years the systems from Dürr and “iTAC” should be integrated.
Central Konpetenz of “iTAC” is the Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). The system is based on Internet technologies (Java EE) and accumulated large amounts of data from all areas of a factory and then evaluates them. Thus, the customer receives comprehensive information on its investments such as material and energy consumption. The customer also receives real-time data, as well as the evaluation of a week, a year or even a decade in a short time.
The system is based on a cloud. This can view the evaluations of the different plants and factories large corporations with a central data center. In addition to an early warning warn of a fault on a machine, arrangements can be made so more quickly than before.
Since the safety aspect for the company in the sensitive data is extremely important that information is in a “private Cloud “saved. This is similar to Intranet foreclosed outwards and only within the company cost.
“iTAC” has grown this year by 63 percent, which is mainly because that the software company has focused on large customers. Especially in the automotive industry was “iTAC” established with their MES system, it said in Stuttgart. In this area, one is the technological world leader, says Dieter Meuser, founder and Chief Technology Officer of “iTAC”. Customers are among others Audi and Valeo. Competitors are global players like SAP and Siemens. “Very positive feedback from our customers there were to the takeover by Dürr” said Peter Bollinger, CEO of “iTAC”. In particular, the financial strength of Dürr AG he sees as an advantage for “iTAC”. The company from Montabaur wants to expand its activities in electronics manufacturing and medical technology.
In 2015, 15 million euros in sales generated
Portrait “iTAC” is a software company from Montabaur. With approximately 90 employees, the company generated a total of 15 million euros in sales in the year 2015th On December 3, the Dürr AG purchased from Bietigheim-Bissingen 100 percent of the shares in the German software company. The “iTAC” location Montabaur and the jobs are to be retained.

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