There are not many former New-market companies, which still exist today. And they are also still working successfully. USU Software is one of them. The company develops software solutions for businesses. The basic focus: With products and solutions increase the transparency of the company’s customers, improve their service to their customers, and to provide savings in terms of costs. These include the software license management and knowledge management for call centers, two areas in which the Swabians are world leaders.
But the real kicker at the company’s different. Udo Strehl, the founder of the company has, very early, namely, started in the eighties trying to develop software that collects, merges and analyzes all IT-relevant data of a company. Something that at that time did not exist. Today, this idea is strongly reminiscent of a megatrend:. Big Data
Basically, it went at USU Software and its solutions always to this topic , And today, the company intends to benefit in her deep and long-standing experience in this field from this megatrend. The idea: The amount of data that occur, continue to grow, particularly through the Internet of Things, thus increasing communication between devices. But this flood of data must be managed, or better collected and analyzed. Companies whose software can likely, the winners of this development, which began with us still standing, count.
Industry 4.0 is widespread inefficiencies an end
For USU Software can perhaps best be explained using the example of the industry 4.0. It is about a project of the Federal Government, which is to make the industrial site Germany fit for the future. It represents the fourth industrial revolution, the invention of the steam engine, the assembly line work and digitization. The idea of the initiative: The independent and comprehensive communication of machines in the production process with each other to create a leap in productivity. According to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO and the German federation Bitkom should be possible with industry in many key industries in the future 4.0 an additional average growth rate of 1.7 percent per year. The increase in productivity is to be additive in the company by 2025 to 78 billion euros.
A huge opportunity for the company, where the technological conditions are created. And just to give one also USU Software. According to another study by the Fraunhofer Institute, the path will bring to industry 4.0 unimaginable data growth with it. Continuously measuring points and sensors machines produce millions of data. This is where USU Software with its own development at. Because due to the analysis of these data, a company can identify at an early stage, for example, when maintenance or repair at a machine is required. Then suddenly there is no stationary bands or machines, no more downtime. And that brings efficiency and cost advantages, and ultimately growth.
Strict Money Management in the executive suite
The fact that USU is well-positioned in this area, proves a tender of the Ministry of Economy and Energy (BMWi). The BMWi chose as part of its technology program “Smart Service World – Internet Based Services for Business” recently from 16 projects to promote these. USU Software equaled with two projects to train.
Behind this opportunity for the future, however, lies a well-run company. Udo Strehl, today the Supervisory Board, and its Managing Director Bernhardt Oberschmidt, have a clear line. They pay close attention to the fact that the company has a healthy balance sheet. The equity ratio stands at around 65 percent, cash and cash equivalents stand at nearly 19 million euros. Cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR 7.7 million. Acquisitions are funded from cash flow, not by taking out loans.
USU on the way into the German Top Ten
But the actual figures can be seen. Between 2009 and 2014, the turnover of 34 climbed to just under 59 million euros. Earnings per share increased by more than tripled from 15 to 52 cents. After very good results for the third quarter of USU is aiming this year to a total turnover 65-68 million euros, adjusted earnings before interest and taxes to increase disproportionately to 8.5 to 9.5 million euros. In 2017, then those responsible want the 100-million-euro limit to exceed. Then the company would rank among the ten largest software companies in Germany.
Help Measures will also make targeted acquisitions, with which the company always strengthens again in certain niche areas. So USU Software was the takeover of Aspera for leading companies in software license management. These drives the management and the targeted international expansion ahead. Will reward the development of the stock market. In the past three years already by almost 170 percent, the share climbed alone over the past twelve months, there were just under 50 percent. Thus, USU Software is worth almost 200 million euros today. The dividend yield is in excess of two percent
The only catch:. With a price-earnings ratio of 20, the stock is no longer cheap , Can USU Software but maintained its growth momentum, then the company will grow into this review – and could be worth even more. The growth potential in any case exists. So if something surprising and exciting looking for Christmas, for the worth looking at this dynamically growing small-cap value.
By Gerd Hübner

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