Natalya Kaspersky explicitly excludes that the Russian secret service could gain access because there is “no links and no foreign code has been implemented”. Yet alone give the circumstances, as EgoSecure business partners of the Brandenburg police was puzzled. Not in vain to talk IT professionals at police computer networks of “critical infrastructure” on the computers of officials manhunt Views, investigation files, crime scene photos, names are stored by suspects and witnesses. Other highly sensitive information, such as the protection of the constitution, are stored there on occasion.
It would be assumed that in this area a new security software is selected with the utmost care , But just in case of EgoSecure that’s probably not happening.
bouncer for the computer
The tendering process was unusual because the winner was clear from the outset. On January 29 of this year, the Central Service of the Brandenburg police announced the public tender Ö-014/15 known – and presented the subcontractor, the same with
. requested the “delivery of the interface software EgoSecure including services and care services”. The software works as a bouncer for the computer: It monitors all interfaces where in or out reach data – for example, USB ports or connections with locations in the cloud. It works almost entirely in the background, the officers usually get very little of it with.
Already in the title of the tender, the Brandenburg Police so had a provider and a particular product set, whereupon unsurprisingly a distributor of EgoSecure awarded the contract. In technical jargon, we speak in such cases of a “product-sharp tender” – is the public procurement law allows for good reason in exceptional cases only. Because it prevents competition, one must then only proceed if there is evidence only a single product meets the requirements.
Were there really no alternative?
In the security software for the Brandenburg police computer this was exactly been the case, the competent Ministry of Interior claims on request. Before tendering a’ve been “extensive market research”. Only the interface software EgoSecure have complied with the requirements of the police “in all relevant points”. Alternative solutions were tested – which were that they wanted but not reveal
Two German IT security company contradict the view of the Ministry of Internal Affairs clearly.. The company CenterTools Software from Ludwigsburg as announced, the company would have all the essential requirements of the Brandenburg police “can represent with our products, without exception”. In addition to counting the police services of another state to its clients.
And Ramon Mörl, head of the firm itWatch from Munich, says: “We have the confidence and sure.” His company had already on several occasions Tenders German police and security authorities for themselves. This time we have can not even apply because the product sharp tender says Mörl.
Was the award unlawful?
From the perspective of procurement law expert Wolfram Krohn from the international law firm Denton is the tendering procedure of the Brandenburg Police questionable. “What gives the police as justification for the product definition, it seems to me more than poor,” he says. “I think it is unlikely that there are actually only a product that meets the communicated by the police requirements.”
Even though only one other product come into question, the award would be unlawful. However Krohn also says: “After the job has already been issued, a correction could no longer be enforced.”
Although asserts the Interior Ministry that the decision EgoSecure for “discrimination and arbitrariness” was made. A proof, however, the Authority is guilty. Also access to the file by the “world” does not lead anywhere. In the documents of all the documentation of the market research is missing. Why only the EgoSecure software came into question, can not be recognized.
The contract with the Brandenburg police is for the Baden-Württemberg software company and the Russian InfoWatch great success. EgoSecure with its approximately 65 employees, is for the boss of the group, Natalya Kaspersky, an important component of their western expansion strategy.
In the East and in the Arab world firmiere their Group as InfoWatch, because there are no reservations about Russian companies, said the 49-year-old a year ago. “In the West we have a different strategy. We act through the acquisition of the German company EgoSecure.” In 2011, it had therefore bought a 100 percent stake.
confusing network of companies
A reconstruction of the company structure However, the commercial register a different picture emerges. Thus heard the EgoSecure GmbH a company of the same name in Luxembourg, which in turn has five parent companies in Cyprus. They are complicated nested, but all have the same address. They are headed on the file two Cypriots.
A branch of the company braid even leads to a Navil Holdings Corporation in Belize. Natalya Kaspersky immersed in the complicated company pedigree only as Administrator, the Luxembourg company on.
From the confusing network, the Brandenburg police have not deterred. When asked if they had dealt with the ownership structure, says the Interior Ministry simply: “The results were taken into account in the award procedure.”
EgoSecure boss According Schlotthauer is a normal holding company structure, “which is not unusual within the EU”. His company had “no direct or indirect shareholder of Belize”. Also Kaspersky confirmed that. Why the commercial register identifies something else, clarify both not on.
Impressive Client List
Kaspersky is a big name in the Russian Internet economy: One of the world’s most famous antivirus bears her name. The company behind it has Natalya jointly set up with her then-husband Yevgeny -. Kaspersky Labs, which today achieved with 3,000 employees an annual turnover of around 700 million dollars (660 million euros)
However, Natalya Kaspersky, the company left her ex-husband in 2007 to take over the board seat at InfoWatch.
According to the company’s website the late forties was named the “Russian Business Leader of the Year 2012″. That it is good business, can not say for sure. According to Bisnode, a Swedish provider of Business Information, the InfoWatch group is heavily in debt. The data service has a negative equity of about 600 million rubles – a decline of about 8.5 million euros
If it were an investment company with no operating. business, says Kaspersky. “These types of companies often long and write red numbers, that has nothing to do with the operations of the individual companies.” In addition, the customer list of InfoWatch group is quite impressive. The energy giant Gazprom is in the process of aircraft and weapons manufacturer Sukhoi, the Bank of Moscow.
also state authorities are on the Russian website as the Department of Defense, the Ministry of Finance and the customs mentioned. Western partners on the other hand is missing, what is perhaps close to the FSB can be explained.
Fast help of intelligence and police
The good relations between the Kaspersky’s and Russia’s intelligence have long been known. Yevgeny graduated from the Academy of the Soviet secret service KGB. His ex-wife Natalya he learned in KGB Erholungsheim know. As virus hunters he made especially to new malware like Stuxnet or Flame attention that can be assigned to Americans or Israelis.
He himself explains its proximity to the KGB successor FSB as follows: “The Cyber Defence Department at FSB, we therefore are simply closer because most professionals come in cybercrime from Russia.”
Also for private reasons the two ex-spouses are connected to the Russian authorities. 2011 kidnapped kidnapper their son Ivan. The Kaspersky off a secret service and police. The American magazine “Wired” said Yevgeny Kaspersky later: “You know us as people that will help them when they need us.”
is also why the authorities had begun after the abduction, “to work like crazy.” In fact, to free the 20-year-old Ivan a few days later succeeded.
seal of approval of the FSB
Business maintains Natalya proven connections to the FSB. The service, the InfoWatch group issued two licenses available to the “world”. Accordingly, the Company may develop, manufacture and distribute cryptographic IT products. InfoWatch is adorned with the seal of the FSB, which is regarded as crucial door opener in the Russian IT market.
A certificate of the German Federal Office for Security in Information Technology ( BSI) is unable to provide the Kaspersky company EgoSecure contrast. The Brandenburg Police is not required also. Whether procurement law “not necessary” was, it says.
It’s probably just a coincidence that precisely the direct contact for the tender well with intelligence activities familiar: The man from the Central Service of the Brandenburg police served before turning three years in the guard and security unit of the State Security of the GDR in Potsdam

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