DGAP-News: Beta Systems Software AG: Unaudited preliminary consolidated net profit (IFRS) for fiscal year 2014/2015 will be around. EUR 2.8 million to be
Beta Systems Software AG / Key word (s): Preliminary Results
12.23.2015 13:14
Release of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP – a service of EQS Group AG. For the content of this announcement The issuer / publisher is solely responsible.
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Berlin, December 23, 2015 – The Management Board of Beta System Software Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, (BSS, ISIN DE0005224406 / DE000A1613B4) are now the interim consolidated financial statements figures (IFRS) for fiscal 2014/2015 , Beta Systems Software AG considers the following provisional indicators as relevant for the assessment of the development of the fiscal year 2014/2015 and therefore published this beforehand.
The Beta System Software Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin , it terminated on September 30, 2015 fiscal year 2014/2015 in accordance with the preliminary and unaudited consolidated figures with a consolidated net income (IFRS) of approx. Completed
The operating profit (EBIT) is expected for the 2014 financial year / 2015 loss of around 2.8 million euros (net loss of around EUR 2.2 million previous year.).. EUR 0.5 million (previous year:. Loss of EUR 2.2 million approximately) identity and is particularly influenced by increase in consolidated revenues. These were compared with the previous year of approx. EUR 33.8 million to approx. Increased EUR 41.6 million (+ 23%). Of these, approximately omitted. EUR 3.4 million to the newly acquired and since 01 January 2015 fully consolidated company HORIZONT Software GmbH, Munich (incl. Its subsidiary). Excluding this acquisition, sales revenue in the fiscal year by approx. 13% increased. <-! sh_cad_5 ->
The sum of the operating expenses and income in the Group increased compared to sales below average of approx. EUR 36.0 million to approx. EUR 42.1 million (+17%).
The EBIT for the financial year 2014/2015 is influenced by various profit-reducing one-off effects, in particular impairment losses on goodwill and other intangible activated assets as part of impairment tests, one-time expenses associated with the implementation of the holding structure and expenses in connection with the takeover of HORIZONT Software GmbH decided by the General Meeting on 04.16.2015. In contrast are income-increasing foreign exchange.
These non-recurring effects amounted in the fiscal year to approx. EUR 2.6 million. Adjusted for these one-time effects, EBIT amounted to approx in the fiscal year 2014/2015. EUR 2.1 million.
In addition, arose in the past financial year further effects on income in the amount of approx. EUR 1.6 million from the acquisition of HORIZONT Software GmbH, the negative impact on the EBIT and arising in subsequent years (including depreciation of capitalized as part of purchase price allocation assets).
The Group annual surplus is particularly influenced by a deferred tax income of EUR 3.7 million.
The consolidated balance sheet total increased by 30 September 2015 28% to approx. 63.0 million euros (previous year: around EUR 49.1 million.). Essential for this purpose have the first-time consolidation of Horizon Software GmbH as well as higher cash and cash equivalents resulting from operating activities and the September 30, 2015 still ongoing capital contributed. Consolidated equity amounts to 30 September 2015 a total of approx. EUR 34.2 million (previous year: around EUR 31.4 million..).
The amounts reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements September 30, 2015 cash and cash equivalents increased – despite the withdrawals in connection with the acquisition of HORIZONT Software GmbH – of approx. EUR 21.8 million to approx. EUR 27.4 million (EUR 7.3 million in proceeds from the balance sheet date are still ongoing capital rd. Included). In addition, the company may be 7.5 million euros from cash pool deposits available.
All the above figures are still subject to the audit and approved by the Supervisory Board.
The consolidated / annual financial statements for fiscal 2014/2015, published on January 19, 2016
the end of the news release.
Informationen and Explaination of the Issuer to this News:
Beta Systems Software AG
The Beta Systems Software Aktiengesellschaft (BSS, ISIN DE0005224406 / DE000A1613B4) support for over 30 years customers with large, international organizations and with an extensive IT system landscape and complex IT processes in the fields of financial services, manufacturing, trade and IT services with software products and IT solutions. These automate, document and analyze IT operations in data centers and in the access control. Rising transaction volume, amount of data and compliance standards make the highest demands on throughput, availability, traceability and safety.
Beta Systems was founded in 1983, has been listed since 1997 and employs around 300 Employee. The company is headquartered in Berlin. Beta Systems operates both nationally and internationally active with 17 wholly-owned subsidiaries and numerous partner companies. Throughout the world more than 1,300 customers in more than 3,200 running installations in over 30 countries their processes and improve their security products and solutions of Beta Systems. The company is one of the leading medium-sized, independent software solution providers in Europe and has half its sales from international
Visit Beta Systems on. <- - sh_cad_17!>: Www.twitter.com/BetaSystems, www.facebook.com/BetaSystems and www.xing.com/companies/betasystemssoftwareag.
Company contact: Beta Systems Software AG Investor Relations Tel .: +49 (0) 30 726118-0 Fax: +49 (0) 30 726 118-800 Email: ir@betasystems.com
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