The lawyer Dr. Till Jaeger explained in a lecture Ten Popular Misconceptions regarding free software. The lecture is part of the event series “Monsters of Law” of the Wikimedia Germany eV
Jaeger is a member at the Institute for Legal Issues on Free and Open Source Software.
In the talk is about the license model GNU General Public License (GPL). The GPL is a common licensing model that is used for free software
The 10 errors.
- Free Software is not a license. The license guarantees the free availability and dissemination can not take place without a license.
- Free Software can also be used without a license. The license is required only for the distribution of the software. Pure use of the software can be carried out without a license.
- Free Software can also be used commercially. A distinction is made between the software itself and the rights to the software. The rights can not be sold, the software and any warranties, however, can be sold commercially.
- Free software is not always free. If the software is more prevalent, it can be demanded money. . Only the license can not be sold
- There is no license automatism in retransmission: By passing under the GPL, however, the user receives a contract offer from the copyright holder, the spreading acts as messenger of this offer
- Software which contains GPL software, need not always be disclosed and may only be circulated under certain circumstances without GPL. This could be the case if the GPL software was changed so that it is no longer identifiable. Another exception are cases where software is based on a GPL system, but is still regarded as a stand-alone software.
- Changes do not have to be communicated to the project. The GPL provides for two options in the rules on the availability of the source code. Is a full of it, the license terms are met in this case.
- The source code can not always be demanded by the developers. One is to provide the opportunities the source code is available, the user mitzugeben this. In this case, the other the source code must not be made available.
- If any modifications to the software made nevertheless can not be freely distributed royalty. Any distribution requires the fulfillment of license conditions.
- Free Software may also include representations or warranties. Warranty can be sold around the software.
: In addition, the providers of free software The lecture on Youtube is also liable in cases of malice or negligence

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