More and more companies are developing within the course of digitization to Enterprise 2.0 – to organizations working software for communication and collaboration Social. A recent survey of RheinMain University shows that more than 80 percent of respondents in the study German companies are already actively engaged with the topic. However, the study also makes clear that companies run the risk of no targeted strategy, not exploit potential completely. For the purchase of social software solutions alone does not necessarily lead to success. Rather, it is strategically introduce these new tools in all divisions and a corresponding “social” communication culture actually live. If this succeeds, provides social software employees a work environment that suits their communication understanding and temperament
Social Collaboration in businesses -. More than just software purchase
digitalisation leads to profound changes in working conditions and the self-image of employees. To play intrapreneurship Quantified Workplace & amp; Employee, Freelancer, BYO (Bring Your Own) and flexible working (time and space) an ever increasing role. Many employees live intrapreneurship, so behave entrepreneurially and responsibly within the company, as if it were their own. This is accompanied by the desire for quick feedback and the monitoring of its own performance, what the term Quantified Workplace & amp; Employee corresponds. Many companies also are increasingly on freelancers: The proportion of freelancers is increasing, the kind of internal communication is changing and becoming more diverse. In addition, a BYO trend can increasingly find more and more people bring something of himself in the company. This approach goes far beyond the Bring Your Own Device concept, ie the equipment of own technical work equipment. And the commitment to temporal and spatial requirements of the company for execution of work is increasingly being questioned. Especially the younger generations Y and Z demand by potential employers more flexibility and a move away from time and space inflexible labor models.
- “Gallery Content”
- More interest from the Sales and Marketing
Over 200 participants took part in the recent survey on the subject of Enterprise 2.0. Noticeable in this year: The involvement of the specialized areas of marketing / sales has increased significantly compared to the previous surveys. By contrast, fewer HR professionals who participated. - knowledge of Enterprise 2.0 is growing
Knowledge grows by Enterprise 2.0. Six out of ten managers said that they know and understand what he means the term. This is a significant increase compared to the survey in 2013 -. Then there were only 41 percent - More companies look to actively seek Enterprise 2.0
More and more companies are actively deal with their development towards Enterprise 2.0. Was it last even 65 percent of the share already went up this year to over 80 percent - The ultimate goal -. Better communication and collaboration
primary objective of Enterprise 2.0 is the improvement of communication and cooperation of their team. Moreover, the existing knowledge in the organization to be better stored and made available. - Successful Enterprise 2.0 projects
Most Enterprise 2.0 initiatives seem of success crowned. More than three out of four respondents characterized the result of their actions as successful (63 percent) bezeihungsweise even be very successful (13 percent). - More openness in the context of Enterprise 2.0
> As part of its Enterprise 2.0 measures the authorities expect a more open communication, a stronger networking of employees and better access to information. - Risk Data security
engaged with the stronger networking the issue of data security stronger. the focus of those responsible for Enterprise 2.0 Another risk is a risk of falling productivity and absence of benefits may be seen at - The author of the study
The survey was conducted by the Department Organization & amp. Personnel management at the Wiesbaden Business School / RheinMain University and the company FeelGood at Work done
The technological innovations of recent years offer companies a variety new means of communication, to meet these changes needs. Telephone, letter, fax and e-mail are increasingly being replaced by new, mobile-based and social communication. Paved this path have especially social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Many social software platforms, their features make advantage of: know of a news feed, a Kommentier- or favorites function and users love and therefore we find this in almost every social software solution. However, the use of social software should moreover correspond to the understanding of social networks: It serves as a communication tool and the active exchange of their users. Because successful only if they adapt in business communication behavior to new habits Social collaboration solutions.
Five steps for the successful use of social software
As well as behind every successful product launch a launch strategy is, the introduction of social software should be thought through beforehand. Strategies and concepts assist in the definition of objectives and the monitoring of results. Here they should never remain static but evolve continuously. The following five points outline the path to a successful social collaboration:
- task management, team communication & amp; Knowledge Management
From simple task management, through proper team communication through to highly efficient Knowledge Management: The Cloud offers valuable tools that companies be more productive in our daily help can – for free - Trello
Who expects a task management a little more, should take a look at the visual project management tool Trello. The service is offered by the software company Fog Creek Software in New York, which has made a name with popular development tools in the industry. - Tracking Time
Tracking Time presents a simple and free app, not just their projects and tasks, but also their working hours can professionally manage the company. And not just on the desktop, but also on the way. - Slack
addition to project and task management chat services for companies such as Slack in the field are increasingly popular collaboration. Slack is a modern business productivity solution from San Francisco, behind the Stewart Butterfield, one of the founders of the popular photo-sharing platform Flickr stands. - Glip
> With Glip itself offers an interesting alternative Slack, in addition to text chat also supports video conferencing and can convince with numerous features ranging collaboration and productivity. - Unison
Unison is a cloud service from New York, which was launched in 2011 and aims to optimize the communication and collaboration of business team. - MindMeister
When it comes to productivity, gain knowledge management solutions in times of information overload as it is today increasingly important. In addition to traditional products in this area, such as Evernote or OneNote from Microsoft here can lightweight mind-mapping tools provide a valuable service. - Memonic
Memonic is from the software company Nektoon from Zurich offered and serves as a collaborative notepad that is hosted in the cloud. This allows companies to create multimedia notes online research topics and store all content in one place. - Zapier
With the innovative online service Zapier allows tasks and workflows away automate via different online services in a simple manner. Thus, the tool provides an interesting alternative to the popular consumer service IFTTT represents, which is but specially designed for corporate use, and puts the focus on business productivity
Todoist offers a very easy and intuitive task manager, which offers a minimalist user interface and a well thought out feature set.
First of all, it requires a differentiated analysis of the status quo. Companies should analyze and identify what means of communication are already established and processes to get an overview of future improvements and new starting points given conditions. In plain language this means: Which channels use staff already? Communicate via Skype, Facebook or WhatsApp? So each employee has their own preferences and ways of working. Companies should note this in the analysis of current events and always pursue the further process the goal to set up a software or technology that supports its employees in their own way of working. Especially important in the context of a forward-looking plan: not only check the internal but also external communication processes. Because with an all-embracing social collaboration strategy companies can integrate into their communication and equal partners and customers.
Because social software is the better, simplified collaboration and communication of employees, all employees must have access to these new means of communication. Because the field of application of social software is only an interdisciplinary sense and should therefore include all areas of the business from marketing to IT through to HR. Often companies see the use of social software for their IT employees affine ago – a typical mistake. Or they forget comparatively frequently the involvement of less on the product or service involved employees from the human resources or accounting. To operate successful social collaboration, however, each employee must be involved.
Decisive for a successful strategy is the definition of targets. The objective of developing business best in collaboration with their staff. This makes it possible to exchange and develop solutions together different points of view. In addition, the demand situations should identified and an understanding of communication and collaboration needs to be developed, as is the employee acceptance and drops the project Social Collaboration. Those in charge should always ask what is to be achieved with the use of social software. If the flood of information and minimize the communication be made more efficient? Or should the transfer of knowledge simplified and expert networking be promoted? Once the objectives are, it is true, this possible in so-called Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) should be noted. Any KPIs in curbing the flood of information could, for example, the reduction of e-mails, the shortening of working hours or the increased use of intranets to be.
Based on the needs analysis and the objectives to be achieved then the appropriate software should solution to be selected. It also makes sense to ask the employees, since they ultimately work with the software. Companies should only solutions envisage that also have a benefit for each individual employee. Therefore, it is advisable to test the software of a test group, consisting of people with different needs, in advance and leave a review. Where the decision fell on a solution that should take place first a coaching all staff and a guideline for the use to be made, which gives a rough summary of the functionality and the capabilities of the software.
In order to permanently successful use To ensure the solution, the results should be analyzed regularly. The comparison of planned and actual achievement of goals (KPIs) helps to extend the measures to turn off or adjust it according to changing circumstances. Social Collaboration is a dynamic process, the strategy should be continuously adjusted according to the requirements of our employees.
The future of work requires new communication culture
The quick shopping a social software alone is not enough for a successful social collaboration. For this it is not only on technical aspects and what the offered technology allows everything. Rather, it is about the active involvement of staff and a new form of communication and collaboration, although based on technology, but thrives on an open communication culture and the acceptance of its employees. So do not push factors, ie the mandatory use of social software, but the pull factors, the voluntary use due oft added value, critical to success.

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