As a result of the exhaust gas scandal at Volkswagen wants to enforce Federal Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt sharper checks for all major automakers. “Disclosure of the engine software and state test beds for the post will be part of a comprehensive package of measures”, the CSU politician said on Sunday in Berlin, confirming in principle a report of the “Bild am Sonntag”.
All the major automakers must therefore in future the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) their engine software disclose. In addition to the auditors of TÜV and Dekra, measure the emission levels at the automakers, to be replaced in the future on a regular basis for information of the sheet.
In addition to on state test benches follow-be used as first results of the inquiry commission set up by Dobrindt would have resulted. The Ministry confirmed that the Commission erarbeite a package of measures in connection with future authorization procedure. Additional Details wanted a spokesman did not comment on them.
Sharp criticism from environmentalists
VW had the help of a Software emission tests manipulated in million diesel vehicles. In Germany alone, the KBA has a total of 2.4 million cars a callback arranged which will begin in early 2016th According to the report the technical solutions for the recall by the KBA be evaluated positively. The authority was not immediately be reached for confirmation.
The Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation Germany (BUND) criticized the announcements sharp. Dobrindt and the federal government are not interested in a real awareness of the exhaust scandal and an improvement in the health of citizens, said BUND transport expert Jens Hilgenberg.
The President of the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), Matthias Wissmann, VW praised, however. “My impression is that the new VW guide now all technical questions consistently clarifies and hard conclusions from the exhaust manipulation draws” Wissmann told the “Tagesspiegel”. The Chair of the Consumer Committee of the Bundestag, Renate Künast (Green Party), called for by VW representatives before a performance in the committee this Wednesday: “It’s finally a clear message needed what VW offers on its own in the way of grace.”
With a skateboard against the crisis
According to VW brand chief Herbert Diess however stands before a “turnaround” short , “In Europe, we can create a turnaround soon, in the US it will not go so fast,” had said this in the new employee magazine “Inside VW”. VW also put the future heavily on electric vehicles. In a letter to leaders of the end of November, now the “Automotive Week” quoted from the stressed Diess: “The diesel issue, the pressure has increased significantly.” The VW brand had “virtually shoulder completely alone” the costs of the crisis.
In order to save costs, VW sweeps the components in the core brand. “The goal is to reduce the number of variants by at least 25 percent compared with the previous models,” cited the industry journal from the letter. This has consequences for suppliers, but also for trade, as well as for customers who will in future be more motivated to purchase equipment packages.
With a new E-Bike and a kind of three-wheeled skateboard with handlebars aims of Europe’s largest carmaker, also to younger customers. A VW spokesman confirmed the report.
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