in real terms, are the most ‘Fan Controllers’ in enclosures, just the only gradually ‘regulating’, simply ver 2 different series resistors fans what is then called before the watched ‘control’. but that is schönerederei and has nothing to do with control, a controller reads out speed signal and then controls the fan until the vorgegenene u / min is ereicht or vice versa when the fan is running too fast.
but such real controls are barely represented in the PC market; at best, governs to the voltage by default, so setting the rotary knob on the control and does not regulate towards a certain adjustable speed. also the whole temperature-controlled, for example, coupled to the CPU temperature, there is rarely, if ever
. a super control would be the X u / min the fan when the temperature of the processor Y and / or the graphics card and other components in the PC regulates -sowas would be feasible only with a PLC or the like, and only when sufficient standartisiert the temperatures of the various components such as the graphics card and CPU could read.
something but not there.
a simplification could be a fan controller that regulates the voltage and simultaneously temperature sensors provide some measure on the PC.
eg temperature of CPU and krafikkarten cooler and the outside temperature.
based on the data, the user then his fans make faster or slower so make the control itself.
Warning, the temperature of the cooler not in accordance with the temperatures, eg CPU and GPU, but only the heat the cooler still have, and the sensors must not be in the airflow of the CPU fan, for example, it you have to be very careful because one otherwise distort the measurements.
also one would have to see in which temps because the parts which have heatsink temp, so the CPU benchen 55 ° cooler and then to measure times and is for example 45 ° hot -freiluft ….
these values shall one be a ‘sound barrier’ for regulating the chassis fan.
just the graphics card.
so you can then drive throttled normally and then turn up the fan when needed to fit, so if you, for example, sees the running cool almost to the maximum values.

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